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Most organizations adopt a reactive stance when it comes to cyberthreats. But Tim Zentz, Vice President of CODEX*, argues that as AI is increasingly adopted as a tool by online fraudsters, anticipating and countering your attacker’s MO is an ever more vital element of effective defense.
*CODEX (Cyber Offense and Defense Experts) is one of four business units at intelligence services company Nightwing, which was itself spun out of Raytheon as a separate company last year.
[00:00] Introduction to cybersecurity and fraud challenges[05:28] The rise of ransomware and AI’s role
[08:25] Offensive vs. defensive security strategies
[12:38] AI in data protection and anomaly detection
[15:23] Emerging fraud trends and insider threats
[18:44] Building a culture of cyber resiliency
[21:48] The importance of diverse perspectives in security
[25:17] Future trends in cybersecurity and final thoughts
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► https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nww3o7VICaA&list=PLL7XK-bevTIBej7f1PGPZSUAUUyMe4Cej&index=2&t=5s
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