All Scam Reports

Resolve to Protect Yourself From Scams This Year
- By ScamBuzz
- . 02/16/2025
In 2025, let’s make protecting ourselves against scams a top priority. In this article, we are sharing best practices and resources to help you protect

Learn How to Protect Your Identity During Identity Theft Awareness Week
- By ScamBuzz
- . 02/15/2025
Has someone misused your Social Security number or other personal information to open new credit cards or utility accounts? Steal your tax refund? File fake

7 Ways Veterans Can Protect Themselves From Scams
- By ScamBuzz
- . 02/14/2025
Veterans exposed to Agent Orange, burn pits, and other toxic substances during their military service may receive expanded health care and benefits under the PACT

COVID-19 and Medicare – Iowa Fraud Fighters
- By ScamBuzz
- . 02/13/2025
Avoid COVID-19 Scams With COVID-19 unfortunately still a part of our lives, so are the multitude of scams created to benefit from the virus. We’re

Home Repair Scam Tips – Iowa Fraud Fighters
- By ScamBuzz
- . 02/12/2025
You care about your home, and you put a lot of work into making it a comfortable place to spend your time. But some things

Don’t be fooled by sweepstakes scams
- By ScamBuzz
- . 02/11/2025
Luck is fickle. While there are many legitimate lotteries and sweepstakes, there are many others that are actually scammers’ way of stealing from you. In

Medicare Fraud: Guard Your Medicare Card
- By ScamBuzz
- . 02/10/2025
Guarding your Medicare card is essential to preventing Medicare fraud. In fact, it is the single most important thing you can do! This is because

Protect Your Identity & Independence
- By ScamBuzz
- . 02/09/2025
When it comes to independence, your identity is a large part of that. Protecting your identity enables you to live your life and maximize each

The Impact of Medicare Fraud
- By ScamBuzz
- . 02/08/2025
According to the Medicare Trustees report in 2012, the total Medicare expenditure was $574.2 Billion. Today’s prediction of overall Medicare expenses for 2022 has nearly doubled,

Investment Offers: The Pressure Is On
- By ScamBuzz
- . 02/07/2025
When it comes to investments, it’s critical to ensure the adviser is licensed and the offer is legitimate. Double checking investment offers can save you