Nathan Mayer Rothschild NM N.M. & Co Edmond de Rothschilds banking dynasty family banks
Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer London city law firm magic circle
supported trans atlantic trans-atlantic slave trade slavery of african afro africa plantations cotton picking picker pick starve starvation starving die died dead in transit transport transportation ships cramped trading human lives as collateral secret hidden unknown #blm black lives matter colony colonial colonialism colonialist empire imperial imperialist genocide genocidal racism racist race racial discrimination massacre chains labourer laborer shackles wrist handcuffs cuffs torture torturing chamber gas gassing gassed
working conditions away elite elitist white supremacy supremacist KKK ku klux klan dunce hat cap illuminati freemason freemasons freemasonry new world order nwo financial times old money monkey cancel cancelled cancelling nepo nepotism baby nepobaby scratch back colonised colonized profession professional top salary gross revenue income assets under management aum millions billions trillions profit profiting profiteering profited from violating human rights dignity crimes against humanity prestige prestigious wealth management consult consultant consultancy switzerland swiss suisse schweiz juden reputable reputation UK united kingdom uk gb great britain england scotland wales ireland northern english scottish welsh irish british us usa states of america new york ny city nyc wall street wolf jordan belfort securities fraud stratton oakmont rug pull penny stocks strippers manhattan boutique stellar IB investment banking global international deal dealflow pay benefits perks office offices amenities transaction transactional market rate below above EBITDA net advisory new court st swithin’s lane EC4N 8AL address 29 avenue de messine 75008 france french monaco monegasque frères zollikerstrasse 181 8034 Zürich zurich AG aktiengesellschaft 47 rue du faubourg saint-honoré FF ff FBD fbd freshfields bruckhaus deringer james william bank of england boe 100 bishopsgate EC2P 2SR one new bailey 4 stanley street salford greater manchester M3 5JL
scandal scandalous crisis exclusive institution institutional christie’s auction collection castle palace goût château chateau chateaux analyst analysis remuneration glassdoor linkedin indeed job security trainee training contract solicitor associate partner partnership banque privée banquiers how to join get win success winner clerk clerkship apprentice apprenticeship summer holiday vacation uni university intern internship paralegal assistant auxiliary career guru tips interview tricks foolproof method problem situation situational case studies competency based questions competent competencies assessment centre center ac goldman sachs gs citi citigroup citibank group hsbc barclays lloyds boa american bny mellon big 4 accounting accountant kpmg deloitte ey ernest ernst young pwc pricewaterhouse coopers mckinsey company bain bell boston first morgan stanley jp j.p. chase lehman brothers shoe wasp waspy martin luther king mlk assassination assassinated assassinate donald trump elon musk tesla jd vance republican volodymyr zelensky zelenskyy zelenski zelenskii zelenskiy ukraine president ukrainian russia russian vladimir putin war special military operation financed financier Palestine Palestinian Israeli gaza Golan heights Benjamin Netanyahu west bank hamas hostage incursion free freed Israel torah jesus nazareth jerusalem antioch bethlehem bible al quds temple mound aqsa armenian church war zone border gazan levant lebanon lebanese jordan strip egypt hatay antalya benyamin isaac herzog asia asian syria syrian mediterranean west bank ashdod crusade crusader templars hospitallers teutonic order knights ashkelon edessa tripoli principality kingdom of heaven latin godfrey bouillon county cicilia seljuk seljuq rum sultanate byzantine roman roma rome republic balian ibelin sibylla eva green king baldwin mask leprosy leper tiberias hospitaler saladin turk turks turkic christian catholic protestant orthodox eastern greek judaism jew jewish yahud yehud yehudi holy sepulchre land sword musa kcd kcd2 mali sigismund’s camp infirmary tent jihad jihadist muslim islam khazar hazar bulan joseph virgin mary magdalen magdalene magdala migdal shady history past record historical wrongs wrongdoing clifford chance linklaters allen & overy a&o shearman sterling slaughter and may cleary gottlieb steen hamilton skadden arps kirkland ellis latham watkins travers smith bclp blp bryan cave leighton paisner berwin macfarlanes AI artificial intelligence commerce commercial chambers barrister morrison foerster duane morris king spalding gibson dunn paul weiss hastings cooley cravath swaine moore scale wachtell lipton rosen katz cadwalader wickersham taft mayer brown mofo milbank spb squire patton boggs akin gump arnold porter baker mckenzie dentons hogan lovells cahill gordon covington burling curtis mallet davis polk debevoise dorsey scam
Rothschild bank & Freshfields law firm supported slavery – transatlantic slave trade property africa